Friday, November 21, 2008

How Long Do Colitis Flare Ups Last

Porretta Spas and No. 1000 Owl

As always, any exhibition, fair or quilting day Bring your camera and
as always, I am not even a picture because then I know that Linda is ready to shoot all ..
If you want to see more pictures of our quilting weekend I suggest you go on these blogs,, /

I, of course, I'll show you only these three pictures (taken from their report)
Quilt Italy has reached 1000 members ... and Julia is just the No 1000!
Here in front of the cake!
who knows when I'll tell you what we have together ....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Invitaion Poets In Tamil

In this month of silence, we have prepared a lot of things for the Christmas market .. I show you these owls that are too good for me!