Sunday, September 5, 2010

Oxygenagitng Toothpaste

to end ...

Here are some bib and a few flakes birth different from the usual. Judge for yourself ...

Free Woman's Masterbution

Finally ... Birth of Francesco

I show you a few leads for various objects and diapers that I have been requested for the birth. I admit that I'm crazy for this stuff and every time I ordered something is cut and work is a joy. The views are wonderful and the amount that has been even shorter then you:)

A Common Speach For Annual Day

After I have made you see some of the embroidery we have done, I show you all that the mother of Francis I chiestoi to achieve for the birth of her second child. Kitchen towels, bathrobes, sleepers and bags, all with the embroidered name. Obviously could not miss the birth staple. That's why I only embroidered, is a staple of the company Staphylos already made, from which I provide for my embroidery books, bibs, kitchen towels and set for asylum ...

Mini Skirts And Heels

As always, the embroideries are hand made, as well as the bags are made from our fabrics