Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pirate Ships With Labeling

A little easter embroidered cushions

And here's to end the day you place the photo last chore that I ended this morning.
American cotton for the dress and rouge in the little dress. Neck instead of the usual lace I made a slight curl and to finish the dress I chose two buttons resin. A bit of blush and we are ready to inaugurate the first Easter work.

Orchestral Size And Layout

A lady long ago, came into the store and brought me two embroidery. Embroidery with the cupid was already the front of a pillow, but the lace and finished off the lady who did not like because they are too high, so I asked if it was possible to lace a bit lower, while the beautiful embroidery with the angel in prayer was a piece of canvas that was to become a pillow. For the back I brought a calico with a prayer written by her, I finished with a zipper and lined with a little mouse tail to match. The result is this, we liked very much, you?

Is It Ok To Take Adderall And Provigil Together


Also commissioned by Miriam, a delicate blanket to give to a child who is in hospital. E 'in all warm fleece and finished with a lace of cotton lavender. Just as I like.
A thought really simple but very very sweet. As you the rest, I must say that really has a heart of gold.

What's The Difference Between Jordan Retros

gag, tablecloth .... Here comes the stork

A quick post for fast mostratvi my latest creations. Find a bib, as always hand-embroidered tablecloth that I was commissioned by Miriam for her mother. I adore the stuff, then he wanted to board with a coordinated fabric. It 'a border only on the front of the deck, but the seams are not obviously visible. A judge you

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vegeta And Bulma Uncensored Episode

And this time knocking on our door. We do not know if boy or girl, but in August our puppy will be in effect an older brother. Needless to say
contentment and happiness of the family. There are four months, and 1 / 2 and today I received my first gift.
How many of you know, in my shop organizes courses, including even those of cross-stitch, which I must admit I have a big response from the ladies above hours hours. Well this morning came for just a "my lady" and brought me a sweet thought for the child / a. A shroud of luck. I must admit it left me very surprised, not expecting his apple. I said some things really sweet and made me many compliments, pointing out my kindness and more ... I am very much impressed, I would say many things, but I really can not find the words. But the one I mean and also a loud voice, THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY HEART.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Can You Paint Sprinkler Heads

Here I am ... Kim

Yes, I know that I always expect a lot ditempo, but in the end, here I am with my new creations.
So ... this is a patchwork blanket made with the board Riper two of fabrics used for the same, padded and ideal for half staion. The girl who commissioned
mel'ha is rhymed really excited about the final and com risultao always, this is what I am interested in Chea really more than anything. Waiting for your comments ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Long Term Effects Of Syphilis On The Brain

Women ....

Today I received this message from a dear friend and neighbor ...
I would like to share with you all ...

Who says Donna says "Damage" ...
And it's true because ...
give life, give hope
give courage, comfort
give themselves to love ...

The mimosa is a symbol of this festival, free
grows on trees in spring,
intoxicates a room with its scent,
has the bright yellow reminiscent of the sun.

But not only! On this day "special", this morning I found this "thought" on the seat of my car, while
I was preparing to go to work ... What better way to face a day? Needless to say this is the work of my husband ...

And finally ...
Bucchetti In the mail I had slipped the envelope of S. Barbara.
These are the original tiles from her box ...

are cute .... And the extra little thought, have softened further this special day ..
Thank you so much Barbara!
last thing ...
In this period a person very dear to me, is going through a period of many "blacks" ... I want to make them many
Congratulations, and if I could be next hug tightly ... Gisella
Force, this time will pass quickly, and come back fighting fit and how and perhaps even more than before ...

And know that I'm waiting with a plate of salami and hats sauce served with mashed potatoes ....
I wish all a pleasant evening ..

Friday, March 4, 2011

Manhattan 460668 драйвер

Not to forget ....

Today mourning ....
I wanted to remember my country, for many other things ....
Captain Massimo Ranzani, received today a final farewell at the Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalene ...
I think we should not add more ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cervical Mucus But Negative Opk

Plan ... plan ...

I'm back!! Not yet in perfect shape, but slowly I'm recovering and returning to my daily life ... I started the job, and if you still coughing are frequent, sometimes the voice is lowered, undeterred I try to play the best my activities ...
Retif ... Not really all ... My beloved tiles are on hold ...
not know about you, but I arrival cooked, overcooked or rather the evening, and if I can lie down a little on the couch, chronic when going for the best, otherwise fly with impunity in the arms of Morpheus ...
I want to delight with the arrival of the tiles of Faith ... A curiosity ... Where you have remedied the custom label? I really like, and I would like to have information about ...
Then I have to thank all of you, "old" and "new" friends who have supported me in these days morally ... Your comments were very welcome !!...
It 's always nice to feel pampered ....
I wish you a pleasant evening ... Monica